Aerated concrete fly ash aac block|aac block plant|sand aac block plant Introduction
Aerated concrete fky ash block machine process introduction
1)Raw material dealing and store process
Our company ensures all employees a safe and healthy work environment by improving then process of raw material through rational planning of the raw material storage ,to avoiding the harm of dust,noise,solid waste etc.

2)Material measure,batching,pouring process
Slurry binder,cementing agent,regulator and aluminum powder were measured by the corresponding automatic measurement that after high-speed mixer mixing,pouring into the mold box bubble sort out .the system consists of a PLC automatic and control,to ensure accurate and efficient process running

3)Cutting machine process
The steady static control mode can avoiding the damage to the inside parts during the aluminite process ,the bottom clearing tilt as well as the efficient cutting machine are the main parts among all of the six sides cutting scheme provided by our company

4)Autoclaving and final product process
The cake obtain the final strength and performance after steam-cured in the autoclave,the final product improve the qualified rate of our products and can separate the bricks and wall panel same time with the newly devel-open packing system by our company.

AAC aerated concrete block machine relational equipment
1)Reversal crane
Let the finished pre curing block (with mould box and side plates ) flip 90 °in the air,and put it on the frequency conversion cutting cart,reversal crane unlock device turn on the mould box locking arm, cake vertically on the side plate ,delivered to the cutting place by cutting cart to cut

2)Automatic step-wised cutting machine
The reversal crane make a demould with 90 ° turnover, the cake is vertical lied on the side plate,the 1# cutting trolley move the cake into the cutting area.first level cutting and then vertical cutting, for the wall panel,it need milling groove .the the 1# trolley move under the vertical cutting device.hydraulic displacement device, arise the cake as well as the plate, doing the vertical cutting,same time 1# trolley back (for the transfer of the next cake). 2#cutting trolley arrived at under the vertical cutting device .transfer the cake and moved to position for the next process

3)Bottom Clearing Tilt Table
The after-cutting bricks along with the side plate was transferred one the jigger by the semi-finished products spreaders,then start electromagnetic chuck,overturing hydraulic system start, make the whole brick as well as side plate 90°turnover. Bottom clearing works from up to the bottom and removed the waste,overturning hydraulic system back to the initial position, the semi-finished products spreaders transfer the brick and side plate on the steam trolley in front of the autoclave.

Autoclave is one of the most device for the AAC process which can effect the strength and comprehensiveness quality of the products. By steam-curing and high pressure

5)Moving separating machine
The steam-cured brick along with the side plate was transfer under the moving separating machine,and was separated layer by layer from up to the bottom.during the separate process,the press is according to the strength of the finished product to adjust

AAC aerated concrete block machine advantage
1)Construction convenient
2) Reducing project costs
3)Moisture permeability
4)Light weight,high strength
5)Sound insulation noise reduction
6)Fire retardant
7)Dimensional accuracy
8)Dimensional accuracy
9)Thermal insulation
AAC aerated concrete block machine product display

AAC aerated concrete block machine formed building

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